Meditation Tips, Insights and Opinions for Charleston’s Spiritual Community
Welcome to our meditation blog for Charleston, SC!
Over the last few years, Charleston has become a real destination for those seeking a better life. You often hear of how many new people are moving to Charleston each day. It sounds like a lot.
It makes sense because Charleston is amazing. The weather is incredible (though a little steamy in July and Aug.) and the look and feel are super charming.
In addition, there are miles of soft sandy beaches that allow you to swim in the warm Atlantic waters. What an insane place to learn how to meditate!
So, first things first, you’ll want to find a studio and a meditation teacher that resonates with you. What makes a meditation teacher suitable to provide expert advice and guidance? Is it hours and hours of training, schooling and reading? Or actually would you feel more comfortable learning from some someone with a ton of experience?
Most of us would say they prefer someone with a lot of experience but we can’t neglect a good education either.
When people graduate from a particular program, they have a lot of knowledge and a lot of enthusiasm and these are to be valued. But experience brings wisdom and a wise teacher, especially when it comes to meditation is crucial. Meditation is widespread not only in Charleston but all over the US and as such, many have begun to teach having completed their various training programs. We love this! The dedication to improve and introduce the practice to others is something, as lovers of inner peace that we fully support.
As well, we want to make sure that you are being led by those sensitive and wise enough to guide you and address your needs. This is why our meditation teachers and blog writers tend to be more experienced and have developed tremendous compassion for the students we teach. Let’s face it. Anyone who has tried to learn to meditate realizes the challenges. The ideas are simple but the practice can be hard!
Meditation is an inner experience. It can be difficult to know what someone is experiencing while in meditation since it’s so personal. But teachers who have studied meditation and who have taught for longer periods are able to identify the various mindsets, the common obstacles and the victories along the way so as to really guide the student. We do say ‘victories’ because in our experience, the beginning presents a lot of temptation to give up.
You’d think it was easy to sit and be still but compared to the high stimulation world of smart phones, YouTube and reality TV shows, in the beginning, one’s inner world is going to feel a little less interesting. If there is one critical piece of guidance to the new student of meditation, it would be persist! Don’t give up. Give your mind and heart a chance to settle in to the practice of meditation. It’s so worth it!
We hope you enjoy our blog posts.