Restorative Yoga
Wed at 5:30 pm with Candice Wu

Restorative yoga provides an opportunity to renew, heal and allow the body to rediscover its equilibrium. It balances the nervous system and allows the adrenal glands to rest.

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The aspiring yogi of the West as well as of the East must discipline himself…. he should refrain from making too much fuss about the body. 

~Paramahansa Yogananda

Restorative Yoga


Restorative Yoga Classes Wed at 5:30 pm

This is an incredibly relaxing type of yoga where all the postures are done passively, fully supported by blankets, bolsters, blocks and straps. Very little effort at all is required, in fact the postures are designed expressly to put the body into positions where deep relaxation is inevitable – of both body and mind.

Restorative yoga provides an opportunity to renew, heal and allow the body to rediscover its natural equilibrium. It balances the nervous system and allows the adrenal glands to rest. It is perfect if you are suffering from insomnia, tiredness, high blood pressure, stress, if you have any injuries that prevent you undertaking a normal yoga class, are recovering from surgery, or if you just want to treat yourself to an hour of deep relaxation.

Of all the yoga styles, restorative yoga involves the use of more props than typical yoga including bolsters, blankets, blocks and straps. This allows you to stay in the poses for longer. According to Nayal Naoufal of MindBodyGreen,  other muscle groups are engaged when you do restorative yoga compared to flow or Hatha styles. Read abut the 15 reasons why you should try restorative yoga.    Restorative yoga is often favored by older people due to it’s more receptive nature and those who love yoga but have had injuries that have prevented a full participation in more athletic styles of yoga.

Scientists have even concluded that restorative yoga can help you cope with serious illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It’s a kind of yoga that you can easily ‘slip in to’ to knock out a few poses just before lunch at work or just before bed. Come and give it a try!

 Restorative yoga classes at Meditate:

5:30 pm Wednesdays